Waves Platform Making Waves of Announcements

As we head into 2019, crypto investors and traders everywhere have their eyes peeled for the next big project to dish out gains.

However, what if this “next big project” is already here, and has been for a while? This is a definite possibility, and considering today’s market conditions, it actually seems probable that an already-established project will capture real value rather than something new.

Promising Future for Waves (WAVES)

One such well-established project that has a lot going for it leading into the new year is Waves (WAVES).

For those of you who don’t know, Waves is a decentralized blockchain platform and cryptocurrency with a decentralized exchange, a private token platform, and smart contract issuance capabilities.

The Waves project was founded by Sasha Ivanov in 2016, where it collected a whopping 29,634 bitcoin (BTC) during its crowd sale and still has over 20,000 BTC locked up by the company for future developments. Ivanov has big plans for Waves that are far bigger than cryptocurrency.

As put by Ivanov:

“We are not about crypto, we’re about a much bigger thing, and blockchain is just a part of it.”

Waves has a good track record of delivering on their promises and producing viable products. Their GitHub, Discord, and other channels are very healthy, with active community members collaborating to better the project.

Plus, the Waves team is continuously releasing updates and keeping the community informed via Twitter.

For instance, the most recent update by Waves is for their mobile app on both iOS and Android devices.

Waves Smart Assets

Another highly anticipated update that will be released on January 7 is the activation of smart assets on the Waves mainnet.

As mentioned before, Waves is a decentralized blockchain platform that has the ability to issue smart contracts. Unlike Ethereum, where those with programming knowledge of the solidity programming language can already develop and issue smart contracts, Waves is taking a phased approach to releasing smart contracts.

The idea is to release smart contracts that cover the most popular use cases so that everyone without programming knowledge can deploy them, making Waves smart contracts much more accessible for businesses and individuals alike.

After that, the highly versatile, Turing-complete smart contracts will be initiated.

Smart Assets and Their Features

This second iteration of smart contracts is going live on Waves mainnet in 4 days, and it will be the issuance of smart assets. Smart assets will have a variety of features and use cases, such as token control, multi-sig accounts, and balance sweeping.

The token control feature will allow users to set certain parameters for tokens issued on Waves. One such example is that you cannot transact a token if you don’t have a certain token.

Another feature is multi-sig accounts, whereby two or more users will need to approve a transaction before a transfer is made. This is a very important security feature and opens up many use cases in business and management.

Another feature of smart assets is called balance sweeping, which allows a user to manage their account balance more effectively. For instance, a user might want to make regular monthly payments, and can use this feature to make sure their account does not fall below a certain balance.

There will be many more use cases and features of smart assets on the Waves mainnet. However, until these smart assets are released we will have to wait and see.

Will Waves smart assets and the release of Turing-complete smart contracts be more practical and useful than Ethereum? Which blockchain will businesses find more useful? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.