Bitcoin Creator Identity To Be Revealed In 6 Hours During The Largest Crypto Conference

Recently, a Twitter user called GotSatoshi posted a tweet and announced a website, also called GotSatoshi, said that he or she would reveal Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity on May 14 at 15:50 GMT. which is only about 6 hours away.

Of course, many are rightly skeptical of the what GotSatoshi might have to say. John McAfee claims to know Satoshi’s identity, but refuses to reveal it for fear of extradition, while Craig Wright has stirred his own controversy by claiming to be Satoshi.

The announcement by GotSatoshi comes right in the middle of the Consensus 2019 Conference in New York, so it’s sure to get some attention. For the most part though, users disregard such claims, and the only definitive proof that crypto enthusiasts will accept is some movement from Satoshi’s private holdings.